Mining Your Seminars for Real Estate Leads
The advantage of attending seminars goes beyond simply learning
new things. As a businessperson, you probably have participated
in your fair share of seminars and if you've been around long
enough, you probably already know that these events are
opportunities to establish new connections and strengthen
existing ones.
What many may not realize is that events like seminars and
conventions offer rich marketing potentials for your real estate
business - potentials that are unfortunately often left untapped
until the next time another seminar comes up.
What follows are some helpful tips in increasing the advantages
you get from attending events like seminars by making a
conscious effort to build a network, not just of mere
acquaintances, but also of potential leads.
1. Cards - ask and you shall receive. Think about it, when
making a new acquaintance at a function, doesn't it make you
feel good that a person asks for your business card? It shows
that this person thinks of you highly enough to want to keep in
touch with you.
Thrusting your card out to every person you meet may not have
the same effect. In fact, giving your card out without being
asked for it shows presumption and pushiness on your part -
something you don't want people to be thinking about you as a
real estate agent.
2. Talk less, listen more. This is perhaps one of the most
overlooked, yet essential skills in building connections that
translates to leads. You may be so caught up in your own
excitement about what you can do for people that you can end up
monopolizing a conversation.
In a convention with a huge attendance, sometimes, a few minutes
are all you get. Use that precious time to get more information
from your fellow attendees but also taking care not to look like
you're conducting a thorough investigation.
Keep the mood light, but appropriately steer the topic towards
conversation that probes for your contacts' real estate needs -
needs that you can perhaps address once the conference is over.
3. Remember to take down notes right away. It's all well and
good if you can remember every single conversation you've had
throughout the entire duration of the event. Unfortunately, for
most, these can be easily forgotten or worse, interchanged for
The advantage of taking down notes right after a conversation is
that important information regarding this new contact and
his/her real property concerns are kept fresh. Jotting down a
few lines at the back of their business card makes for an
excellent reference system. When you call or write, it will
impress them to see that you remember the conversation you had -
showing you thought of them highly enough to remember what they
said. This alone earns a lot of points in your favor.
4. Create categories All this wealth of potential leads can
become potential headaches as well if left unorganized. Remember
that the acquaintances you make may not all be direct leads.
Some may be good buyer/seller leads, while others may not be as
such but can rather be rich referral sources.
Similar to taking down notes, categorize these contacts right
away and save yourself the trouble to needing to recall what
group they fall in several days after the seminar.
5. Follow up conscientiously. With each day that passes,
opportunities come and go so it is wise for you to cultivate
these newly forged relations as soon as you can. Don't wait a
week after the seminar ends to begin following up your contacts.
With your well-annotated, organized collection of business
cards, start with at least writing a friendly email to retouch
the contact. Invite them to respond and to keep in touch.
Ask them if they'd be interested in joining your mailing list
where you provide things like free and useful information on
real estate concerns. Your willingness to share your skills will
make you come to mind more when something about real estate
comes up.
These are just some of the ways you can get the most out of the
seminars you attend by mining it not only for head knowledge,
but also for useful and potential leads.
Remember to be more than just being an attendee. Participate
actively by interacting with your fellow attendees and conduct
yourself exceptionally at all times. You may never know who'd be
In the kind of business real estate agents are, your character
has a lot of bearing on whether people will do business with you
or not. These may seem like small measures but the results can
return a whole lot more if you take the time to do them.