Blogs Are The Great Equalizer
Blogs are the great equalizer because they simplify the task of adding content to a website on a daily or weekly basis. They make it simple for the average joy to add content to their site on a daily basis with just a few clicks of the mouse.
What is more, the spider search engine companies recognize this and make it a point to spider the blog networks on a regular basis, sometimes a daily basis.
It may take a spider search engine up to three months to spider your site if you go directly to their submission page to add your domain to their database. On the other hand, with a blog, you can put a story about your domain on a blog with a link to your domain, and your website can generally get crawled within a week or so of putting your link on the blog.
Blogs Require A Commitment On Your Part
Daily additions to your blog should be your goal. If you do not have time to do daily additions, you should at worst do a weekly addition to your blog.
Just like in the real world of websites, if you don't update your blog on a regular basis, the spiders will save their time and resources by not spidering your blog on a daily basis. If however you do update on a daily or near daily basis, then the spiders will visit your blog with the same fervor you bring to your blog.
Additionally, it sometimes seems like the search engine spiders are giving some additional weight to the results culled from the blogs. The point in this additional weighting is that blogs are filled with personal comments and recommendations rather than sales pitches.
Now that you have also learned this important lesson, it is time to put this knowledge into action. Make it part of your daily or weekly schedule to add fresh, interesting content to your website. Your banker will thank you.
But if you do not wish to have your own blog, there is another way to promote the site - fill other blogs. Actually, there are thousands of blogs on different themes in the Internet. Why not to use this simple way of promotion?
We automated this process - filling hundreds of blogs is like a one button click with our product - Blogs Auto Filler. There is a free trial version and the manual available at Use Blogs Auto Filler and save your time and money!
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