Auto Bill of Sale Forms
It is important to complete an auto bill of sale form when selling or buying a used car. For the seller, an auto bill of sale form provides proof that title to the vehicle has been legally transferred. For the buyer, the auto bill of
sale form documents the purchase of the vehicle. The auto bill of sale form
should contain:
1. name and address of the buyer;
2. name, address and signature of the seller;
complete vehicle description, including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN);
3. description of trade-in, if any;
4. purchase price of the vehicle.
Auto bill of sale forms are also required in some states to register the newly purchased automobile. These states usually require a state specific auto bill of sale form for documenting specific information such as the purchase price for tax assessment or to obtain a legally binding statement from the seller/buyer confirming the actual mileage/odometer reading. A generic auto bill of sale form will not be accepted in these states.
To register a vehicle in most states, all that is required is that the assignment section on the title be completed and signed. During the past ten years, most states have included in the assignment section on the title all of the information that is required by the state to do away with odometer disclosure statements, sales price statements, etc. In these states an auto bill of sale form is used by the seller/buyer to document the initial sale/purchase of the automobile.
Article Source:
Legal Forms, a databank of do-it-yourself legal products.
Auto Bill of Sale Forms