Super Charge your Bully Zapper Mentor Program with a party at the beginning of the school year. Arm your bully victims with tools in September, so they are ready for the bullies right away!
Goal setting each quarter is a valuable tool to use to connect with your mentee in a positive way. Setting goals is also gives your mentor/mentee relationship a focus.
Here are 5 ways to set goals with your mentee and have fun too!
1. Set a date a week ahead of time to have a mentor/mentee getting-to-know-you reception.
2. Buy some simple refreshments. At our reception we had juice boxes, small bottles of water, packages of chips and nuts and some candy
3. Extend the time of the reception to stretch across all lunch shifts, so mentors can stop in with their mentee when it is convenient for them.
4. Provide a quiet place for them to have their refreshments and set their goals.
5. Provide the following Goal Sheet for them to use as a guide.
MY GOALS FOR FIRST QUARTERA goal is something you want to achieve that will bring about school success.ACADEMICBEHAVIORALBULLY ZAPPING PLANMy signatureBe sure to thank your mentor for their time and support!REACH FOR THE STARS! SET YOUR GOALS HIGH!Your school logo
Our first quarter reception was a great success. The goal theme, refreshments and quiet place to talk provided a perfect combination for getting our program off to a positive start.
Many mentees stapled their goals in a prominent place in their school agendas, so they could see them daily. Mentors can check with their mentees weekly and remind them of their goals. I try to reward my mentees when they achieve one of their short-term goals that will help them reach their long-term quarter goal.
When a bully approaches them, they have their Bully Zapping plan ready and they can refer to it quickly.
For example, one of my mentee