Bathroom Vanity Lights - Considerations Before Buying Vanity

Bathroom vanity lights are often overlooked in a bathroom. Artificial light from vanity bathroom lights and general lighting is important during hours when natural light is not available. Without good lighting, the decor and the personality of your bathroom can not be developed properly. And since the day usually begins and ends with a trip to the bathroom, time spent there should be comforting, relaxing and easy to see when grooming.

Bathroom vanity lights typically include one light or perhaps two or more above the mirror. Or, there may be lights or sconces on each side of the mirror or medicine cabinet and one ceiling light or a row of recessed ceiling lights over the vanity, depending on the size of your vanity and mirror. Make sure your bathroom mirror is evenly illuminated and free of shadows since this is where applying makeup, shaving and other grooming activities will take place. If you have two bathroom vanities, each one should have the same bathroom vanity lights setup.

You should have both ambient lighting and task lighting in the bathroom. Here are lighting types for providing artificial bathroom light: