To Camcorder Enthusiast's: What Does

Reality TV is experiencing an upsurge in popularity and its presence has conditioned the public's acceptance of a number of things:

Whilst a 'reduction in production values' may not inspire confidence, it bodes as a positive to the small time camcorder operator in reduced production costs. And the savvy camcorder operator can make up any shortfall with a little imagination and a lot of ingenuity.

"Anyone can be a video producer", says Mark Sturge, of KMS Productions "technology has delivered the tools and there is an emerging group of people who know that (don't tell anyone this) video and even television production is easy, if you have the right plan.

"Desktop video is a huge opportunity." Mark goes on to explain "Everyday people are looking for special memories to be preserved on video tape or DVD. That family occasion/party/wedding or their children's sports events filmed with a camcorder. And now getting their favourite sport or hobby on TV is possible. Yes