Ideally, credit card processing method ensures fast business transaction and security for the buyers and sellers. For credit card processing, a fee is charged by credit card provider. The service provider acts as an intermediary in credit card transaction processing. It validates credit card numbers and expiration dates and obtains authorization from the credit card issuers. At the end of the payment transaction, confirmation numbers is sent to the taxpayers.
Credit card processing can be done via two modes i.e. offline processing and online (real time) processing.
Offline Credit card processing
Offline credit card processing is not instant. Transactions are grouped together and then processing is done at physical location. It is less complicated to set up and doesn't require a payment gateway. This makes the offline credit card processing more cheaper than online credit card processing.
Real Time Credit Card processing
It automatically processes credit card orders and authorization is done immediately. Capturing credit card merchant services transactions over the Internet requires merchant account. Online merchant account is an account that accepts and processes the credit card payments on Internet. It's a special account tied to a credit card processor. When the credit card is verified and approved, the customer receives immediate notification that the order is accepted and the funds are transferred from the customer's bank account to the merchant's account. Real time credit card processing is expensive and bit complicated to set up. It is suitable for big merchants conducting high volume of transactions that are meant to be processed instantly.
For more information on credit card processing, please visit