Weather Control is Sinful Indeed?

Today we have a problem, although the problem in the ongoing trials and tribulations of humankind's need for chaos in controversy is not completely at crisis yet, it will be soon, if we fail to use that which is in our power to fix the problem. Weather control is possible, just like the airplane was possible, just like man's first trip to the moon was possible, just like ridding the world of smallpox and polio was possible.

One could say that those diseases were created by the same god or gods which created the weather, the patterns and nature which include the patterns of the erosion, rain, weather, water, fluidic dynamics, wind, earthquakes, volcanic activity, plate tectonics, etc. why is it that mankind can not see through this logical rationale. It only makes sense that as mankind evolves into a species of higher cognition, that eventually we will become our own god or gods.

Small and relevant modifications of the earth's system in the United States and abroad will save lives, it will allow our farmers to help feed the world, it will allow our citizens to have a higher standard of living and better quality of life and as we take what we've learned and freely give that knowledge to the Third World peoples.

We will find that the Third World will look up to us, respect to us and listen to what we have to say above their mythological religious based spiritual witch doctors and voodoo