Family reunions have been a rapidly growing tradition since 1999 and is now accelerating at an enormous pace as technology and travel combine with family interest and genealogy making finding, communicating and meeting family members a fun and exciting pastime.
Family reunion planning has become a virtual industry in itself. Family reunion planners like wedding planners are opening up shop on and offliine. These planners are offering more creative ideas to enrich the event. Many families now meet at the nations captial to follow time lines of history, tell stories of family legends and memorialize family surnames.
Others want to combine the family gathering with an opportunity to relax and rejuvinate. One family reunion planner remarks. "There is too much work to do planning a family reunion at home! Between cooking and cleaning up the mess you have to plan and supervise activities. Not to mention worrying about a relative driving to their hotel after drinking too much." That said many have opted to send the family off to an exotic site where all needs are catered to by hospitality staff. "With a Family Reunion Cruise, there is no preparation shopping, no cooking, and no cleaning," said one family reunion planning committee member.
Royal Caribbean International is introducing a new program, Royal Reunions, designed to enhance family and group gatherings. Organized group activities are run by the ship's cruise staff. Group members compete against each other in reunion themed games.
Still family reunion planners have the challenge of making the affair a meaningful enriching experience that draws the family closer. One site, Fimark