Tracing Patterns in Nature Backwards

There are many predicable patterns in nature, even the wind is predicable although it appears to be a complex and infinitely impossible thing to predict. Not so, actually the weather is made of forces and other patterns interacting upon it, meaning it is fully predicable once you understand all those forces and their origins.

Are patterns of erosion completely predictable to the point we can estimate the origin or starting point of the pattern, the original equation or the original set of components, which started the process? For instance the beginning resonance, material and starting points? Can we go back in time by computer modeling of the current patterns? Can we use these computer-rendering simulations to help us understand the surfaces of other planets, moons and celestial bodies? Are we able to do this now with our advances in super computers? Decifering the complexity and tracing the patterns backwards to figure out the simple laws, rules of mathematics that they follow, based on flow, angles, elevations and rainfalls?

The answers to all of these questions will most likely be yes and we can know if we dare to ask the questions and work to seek the answers. As we know from looking at ice core samples, tree trunk rings and sediment layers we can define eras of ice age cycles, solar cycles, Earth Polar Shifts, etc. Much of the needed computer modeling to track and back track erosion for historical perspective and understanding of our Planet and other worlds has been funded by animation simulations for military efforts in the battlespace. Commercial uses of such things have also accomplished wonders using ERSI software to improve environmental situations, weather prediction and control, flood control efforts, Oil Exploration, Movie Industry Special FX, landscape design and Artist Conception