Creative and Rich - The Artist's Attitude Towards Wealth

Are you creative but lacking in wealth? Your inborn talent can only blossom into its greatest potential when you are rich enough to finance all your needs. Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless you are rich.

Every sane person wants to be fulfilled and prosperous.

I can attest to that. My life as a classical composer was not bringing in much money. My music was being performed around the world, and I had commissions, but most of the fees only covered a life of poverty. So I chose to make a change.

However, in order to make that change, I took a hard look at my views on money. Sure enough, I was conditioned to expect little in monetary rewards for my creative work. Whether you are a writer, painter, dancer, musician, or composer, society expects you to be a