Top 10 Factors that Influence the Price of Any Business

There are 54 factors that affect the price of a closely-held business. The following is a look at the top 10 of these factors that have the biggest influence the selling price of any business:

Number 10: Industry Outlook

If the outlook for the industry is bright, the price goes up. Buyers look hard at the outlook for a company's gross margins, future growth projections, international economic factors, etc.

Number 9: Depth of Management and of the Sales Team

If an owner wears all of the hats, including generating most of the sales, the price will go down. A strong and experienced management team to operate the business is key value driver.

Number 8: Customer Base

If a company has limited customer concentration with no single customer representing more that 5-10% of revenues the price goes up. If the customer base is made up of