Can You Write and Spell?

I am constantly amazed at how many web sites and articles that I read on the internet, where the writing wanders off the subject and becomes somewhat confusing and the spelling is so poor.

It is so important to have well thought out and original content for articles or newsletters, as this is the place where your image is established. In today's "online world" people seem to think that anything goes, as long as it makes money. Why does it matter if your spelling is incorrect?

Remember that as each hour goes by , someone else is putting a web site on the internet,perhaps to compete with yours and if they have good content , focused and well presented, you may find your sales slipping.

Investing in a good copywriter, who can capture your vision for your business, is well worth the investment.After all, this is your site, your design or maybe your newsletters and articles, you want to make a good and long lasting impression to sustain your readers interest.

It is not only small business that may make mistakes, I have looked at many large sites where I have noticed spelling errors. Maybe I am a little "off the wall" but when I see this it makes me concerned as to the capability of the authors of such sites. Are they using "spell check" or the "human eye" whatever it may be they are obviously not taking enough time to check things over or , maybe, there is no one left who can spell!!

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