Parents - Here's How You Can Help Your Children To Progress in Martial Arts

It is very important to remember that parents are also martial arts coaches. When children first start their training in the martial arts, especially in the case of very young children, we often find that they have not yet developed the self discipline to practice at home on a regular basis. Practicing at home greatly enhances performance at the school and it should be encouraged. We suggest that you talk with your child and agree on a daily practice time. It can be as little as ten minutes per day. Pick a category each day and work on it for a solid, focused ten minutes. ( form, one steps, etc.) Developing the habit of setting a goal ( next belt) and working for it on a regular basis will give your child life skills that go far beyond punching and kicking.

One of the easiest ways to help your child is by simply showing that you are interested in his or her training and talents. Children love to show off what they have learned in class and we encourage parents to ask their child what they have learned every single week. Show your encouragement by offering positive feedback, and compliment them in the areas where you can see improvement. In fact, if you use this approach in just about everything your child does, whether it be homework or chores, you will soon notice the difference. If children believe that they are getting better it boosts their self-confidence, which in turn encourages them to try even harder. When children know that they will receive recognition and praise, they will want to do well because it makes them feel good. Children will rise to the level of your expectations, but only if they are encouraged and praised along the way.

Our "Intent to Promote" letters are an excellent opportunity for you to praise your child