Get Rich Now Selling E-Books Online in 3 Easy Steps

I believe this is the most important thing you could learn about starting your own business. You can have all the information you need, you can even have Bill Gates as your financial advisor, but if you don't know this one concept I am about to share with you, will never make your dreams a reality.

Let me ask you a question. What is the number one reason most people don't succeed in business or any other area of their life? Is it because they don't know what to do? Sometimes that is the case, but most of the people I interview know exactly what to do step by step or they know where to get the information they need to begin building their business, but they simply don't do it, or worse they start and then get comfortable and are satisfied with only enough profit to pay the bills and they settle for less than what they deserve. In this article I will share with you what I believe is the most important key for success, and how you can apply it today, easily and start seeing your vision become reality. You can not only apply this tool for your business, but for any other area of your life that you have been procrastinating on or simply not getting the results you want.

Have you ever bought a book or piece of exercise machine and not used them? You wanted a specific result, but you didn't follow through. Now how come you didn't follow through? The reason you didn't follow through is because you were focused on all the effort and anguish that it was going to cost you to do the specific action. You truly wanted to, but couldn't get yourself to follow through, and instead you did something that was pleasurable and effortless like watch TV. This is it, I'm sorry this is so simple and easy, but this is the only reason why you didn't follow through on what you really wanted to do. Your body is wired up to want pleasure and it wants to stay away from what is uncomfortable. So how can we use this information to get ourselves to do whatever we want? Glad you asked.

Every day you are asking and answering thousands of questions to decide what you should do, and most of the time its unconscious. What should I wear? What do I want to eat? What do I have to do today? Your brain is constantly evaluating what to do based on the amount of comfort or discomfort you relate to a certain task or action. Another very interesting thing to point out is that you're brain will answer any question you ask it. If you ask yourself why can't I make any money? Or why do I never follow through? Your brain will search its database and come up with the best answer it can think of. Because your lazy or because you don't have any experience your brain will answer. Ask your brain better questions and you will get better answers that will empower you to take action. What questions do you ask though? And how can I apply this immediately to my business and life so I start feeling better and get myself to follow through right now.

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