A Simple yet Very Powerful Way to Beat Your Negative Emotions

Negative emotions, like insecurity, fear, despair, discouragement, frustration, anger, deception can pollute your life. Throughout the day, you experience all kinds of emotions, some are positive and others are negative and painful.

Feeling positive emotions, like happiness or peace is a choice, isn't it? Negative emotions are choices as well. Consciously or unconsciously, you choose to generate a feeling.

When you feel negative about yourself or an outside event, you can say to yourself: "I am in a bad mood" or a better way to say it is: "I choose to be in a bad mood". This statement gives you more freedom and responsibility, don't you think?

This freedom and responsibility can help you choose whether you want to immediately change the kind of emotions you're experiencing or not. It is your choice to totally master your thoughts and eventually master your personal life.

Here are the following three steps to get rid of negative emotions, simply but powerfully. With some practice, you can apply it successfully in seconds. This technique is called the cloud technique.

So the next time, you experience a negative emotion, apply these three little steps:

1. The cloud symbol. First, make a representation of the negative emotion as a cloud. Notice its shape, colour and how it moves? The representation for example could be a big, black cloud that moves around you.

2. Blow the cloud Step out of the cloud and leave it where you were standing. Look at it, asking yourself the following questions "Is this emotion useful for me right now?" or "Is this emotion helping me as I communicate?" Now you