10 Important Tips to Finding the Best Laptop

Taking the time to review laptops is time well spent especially when wanting to have the best working laptop for all your specific needs.

When reviewing consider these things;

1. Screen - What are you looking for in the Screen., is it resolution, size, definition.

2. Portability - Are you carrying it around a campus or is it mainly home and hotel?

3. Speed - Laptops are generally 20-30% slower that Stationary Computer with the same features. If speed is a necessity be sure to check out details such as; CPUs, motherboards, hard drives, and video systems. These all contribute to the speed loss.

4. Upgradability - Likely there will not be a lot that You can upgrade on your laptop so it is good to know what you need for the long run. Upgrades can be pricey and some almost not worth getting when You could just get a whole new laptop