When you review product ratings for treadmills, it is important to consider the intended purpose for the treadmill. Do you intend to use it for mostly running, mostly walking, or a combination of the two? Once you decide your intention, it is easy to pick the best treadmill to suit your purposes.
If you want a treadmill for mostly walking, the Smooth 5.15P is an excellent choice. The display panel has been upgraded so that no toggling is required, and it has a heart-rate monitor on the handgrip, and a long list of valuable warranties. The estimated cost is $900.
For walking/running combination use, the Horizon Fitness Elite 5.1T is recommended by professionals. It has a 350-lb. weight limit, so it is a good choice for heavier treadmill users. Hydraulic folding mechanisms aid in folding the steel frame, and it has various warranties as well. The estimated cost is $1800.
If you are an experienced runner, experts recommend the Landice L7 Pro Sports Trainer to suit your needs. Even if you are a pro, this treadmill will satisfy your workout expectations. With a 400-lb. weight limit and lifetime warranty on all parts, this treadmill is durable and hassle-free, worth the estimated cost of $2800.
Concerned about the impact on your wallet? Check out the Image 16.0Q, recommended for walkers and only costs about $515. No matter what your specific needs or budget, these product ratings are suggestions that will help get you started in your search for the perfect treadmill.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Treadmill-Solutions.com He provides more treadmill reviews, treadmill ratings and treadmill buying information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.