Did you know that the odds of you getting into an automobile accident in your lifetime are 165% and that this number is up by 22% over the last five years? That means each of us will most likely be in an accident and thus why car insurance is so important. Your attitude at the time of your accident will determine the outcome. If you are paying attention, driving the speed limit you may find yourself in a much better situation than if you are not paying attention and end up rolling your SUV over a curb.
Over 40,000 people die in automobile accidents each and every year. Some people are quick to point out after an accident that is was not their fault? Well some of it was, as if you were paying attention, you may have been able to prevent the accident even though the brain dead other driver caused it. You see you can prevent auto accidents by staying alert and paying attention. If you are on the cell phone, make it quick, if you get too distracted it maybe you that almost causes and accident and in which case you will be glad that the other person was paying attention for your stupidity.
If you want to stop auto accidents from killing so many people each year then don