by TrysDan D Roberts


To those who think that being Gay is abnormal and a sin: F#%K OFF

TO those who think that Atheists and Non Christians are sinners who must be converted in order to be saved: F#%K OFF

To those who think that Black People and other Non white people are inferior: F#%K OFF

To those who think we must go to other countries to spread Christianity: F#%K OFF

To those who think animals were put here on earth to serve humans: F#%K OFF

To those who think our planet's resources are there for the taking regardless of the environmental impact: F#%K OFF

To those who think the ideal woman's body is one that is anorexic/bulemic: F#%K OFF

To those who support the murder of doctors who perform abortions: F#%K OFF

To those who think genocide and famine are a form of population control: F#%K OFF

To the Human Race: F#%K OFF

Copyright 2002,2003