Pearl Jewelry Care

Your pearls are a valuable investment. Though their compact crystalline structure makes them durable, their exterior is delicate and soft. Proper care is necessary in order to maintain their beauty and luster for future generations to come.

Storing Pearls

Because pearls can be easily scratched or damaged, keep your pearls separated from other items or jewelry. They are best kept in a soft cloth, a soft pouch, or a soft, lined jewelry box. Do not keep your pearls in an airtight or excessively dry environment. They need moisture in order to prevent cracking. If they need to be kept in a safety deposit box or a vault, keep a damp (not wet) cloth nearby. Re-dampen as needed, but be careful not to have too much moisture. This can cause mildew.

Avoiding Harmful Products

Personal care products such as cosmetics, perfume and hair spray, can dull the pearl