Private Practice Marketing: Know Your Ideal Client

Most business people try to market to everyone and not a specific niche. If you do not have a specific niche, then you have no one to market to.

Who is your ideal client?

How would your like to fill your practice with your ideal client, your favorite person with whom to work?

This is so doable, yet so few people bother to do it.

Your primary job here is to do two things -

1. Identify your ideal client, and

2. Get to know all that you can about your ideal client.

What you need to know

Here are a few of the things you must know about your ideal client:

What do they look like?

Where do they live?

While all of the above are good questions that you need to have the answers to, their is one question we have not listed yet. If you could only ask one question, if you could only have one valuable piece of information about your ideal client, here it is:

What is your ideal client's greatest pain, what is their greatest worry, what keeps them up at night?

When you know the answer to this question, you are then prepared to market to your ideal client. You will be in the top 10% in terms of the power you have to reach your ideal client.

Jeff Herring - EzineArticles Expert Author

Visit for tips and tools for creating your ideal practice and filling it with your favorite clients.