Things Lenders Don't Wamt You To Know

Getting The Rate You Deserve
The next time you apply for a mortgage ask your lender what is the yeild spread premium (ysp) that he will be receiving for the rate he is giving you. Lenders, Bankers, Brokers make money by giving you a higher rate then you could of gotten. If you applied for a conventional loan and were approved, then you are intitled to the best rate for that loan. Don't be fooled that a little ding on your credit report will raise your rate, you are either approved or you arn't, telling someone you have to have a slightly higher rate because of a 30 day late, or some other little ding should be in my opion criminal. Want more information go to go to the information page and ask any question.

David Lee is a Senior Mortgage Specialist. He has just released a new website where you can come and ask any Mortgage question and get the facts