Taking Steps To Be Fit

Did you know that each day most of us take between 3,000-4,000 steps? And that's just not enough. Experts say that we should aim to take 10,000 steps to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Increasing to 10,000 steps a day will burn between 2,000 and 3,500 extra calories per week, which will result in achieving a vastly better health profile and longer lifespan.

Buying yourself a pedometer helps to make this more fun. You simply attach the pedometer to your waistband over one hip and allow it to do the counting. Start by finding out how many steps you take each day, and then set yourself a goal gradually to increase it till you are regularly taking 10,000 steps a day. Most people find an increase of 500 paces a day is "do-able", but if necessary build up more slowly. The important thing is that you make progress, take more exercise and enjoy the extra feel good factor.

You can buy a very cheap, simple pedometer, or one that measures the distance you've covered, estimates the number of calories you've used, or even has a panic alarm or a radio attached. Some people find they feel more motivated if they buy a more expensive model, because they don't want to waste the money they've spent by not using it.

There are lots of ways you can increase the number of steps you take: get up to change the TV rather than using the remote park further from the supermarket take a walk around the local park or your garden/yard walk rather than take the car on short journeys

Pedometers are widely available on the internet, in some supermarkets and in sports shops.

Jane Thurnell-Read is a writer and researcher on health, stress, alternative medicine, and happiness. Visit her web site http://www.healthandgoodness.com for tips and information on how to live a happier, healthier life no matter how busy you are.