Kidney Stones are surprisingly common and becoming more so. Americans have about a 10% chance of suffering kidney stones in their lifetime, although in the western world generally the overall chance is around 4%.
The difference is explained because kidney stones are, to a large extent, a disease of affluence, particularly where a high fat, low fiber diet is consumed.
The exact cause of kidney stones is quite complex, but gender certainly plays a part, because twice as many men as women get them. Incidents of kidney stones are most common between the ages of 25 and 45. After age 50, the incidence of stones in both sexes declines.
Often, there is no sign you even have a kidney stone, because they are too small and don't move. These types of stone are called "silent stones".
It's only when the stone starts to travel down the narrow ureter tube, linking the kidney to the bladder, the really excruciating pain starts.
When it starts to move, kidney stone pain is excruciating. This usually starts in your back, as a severe ache in the lower back on either or both sides, at waist level. Then the spasms of intense pain moves from your back to your front and, eventually down to your groin. It only ends when the stone finally drops out of the ureter and into your bladder. At this stage, you might experience pain or burning when you urinate.
The pain can be over in minutes -- or last for two days. It's worse if the stone is large enough to get lodged in the ureter, making a watertight seal.
This means the urine cannot flow down the ureter tube into the bladder. This seals off the flow of urine, putting pressure on the tube walls, causing more pain. The urine then backs up into the kidney which, if left untreated, increases the chances of a kidney infection. The pain may be accompanied by the frequent urge to urinate, which may prove impossible, due to the blockage. This is when removal of the stone becomes a priority. Either by surgery, medication or by using a natural home remedy cure.
Happily, because diet plays such a major part in their formation, adopting a suitable diet can do much to prevent a kidney stone forming. This is even more important if there is a history of kidney stones in your family.
Paul Hooper-Kelly owns and has just released a report about a simple home remedy, using regular household items, to painlessly dissolve kidney stones in hours, without surgery or pills.
He also reveals some simple steps for kidney stone prevention. Grab your copy now at Dissolve Your Kidney Stones Fast