Free Yourself from Past Experiences

This is a time for being fully present in the now and expand who and what you think you are.

Being fully aware of all your senses and your connection to your environment, take a deep breath and connect to this moment.

Look through your eyes as though you are seeing for the first time. Hear the clarity in the sounds arriving at your ears. Do this with all your senses and get clarity on your connection to life and your environment.

There has to be more to life than just this physical connection that is made through our senses. We have all experienced sensations and understanding that we can not easily explain.

There are many dimensions to the human experience, what we notice is, if we focus on one aspect of ourselves that aspect grows and becomes dominant. But it is possible to experience all these dimensions at the same time and in total balance and harmony.

The breath is useful for centring our energy; this is a process of letting go. Scan through your body with your feelings, if you feel any tension or discomfort, just take a breath and relax.

This is a time for going beyond the physical, going beyond you understanding, by letting go you can come into a clear understanding of the finer and finer aspects of whom you are.

There is no power or control in this state, this is a process of releasing and relaxing and being that connection to Yourself. Allow your connection to your higher Self, life, the Universe and God, to flows naturally out of itself.

The qualities of this awareness as you reach out with your feelings are; sublime love, peace and harmony. The reason you feel relaxed in this state is that it is a natural experience of aligning your energies with your higher Self, which is in effect the Universe and God.

When you have made this connection, if you wish you can choose to have loving creative thoughts. Using your imagination, your passion and your dreams and desires; you can get clarity on your vision for life and move into alignment with your life purpose.

As you get closer to your life purpose, you experience more joy and happiness. Life gets easier and flows in synchrony with love. Life is a frictionless flow of love expressed through your dreams and aspirations. You are life and your body is the vehicle through which this life energy flows to express itself in the world.

The New Energy we are feeling within our Self, gives us total freedom of expression to flow our energy in harmony with the universe.

This natural alignment of your higher Self with your body, mind and spirit into a multi layered experience of peace and harmony; flows and speeds up the path to enlightenment and self development.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge