If you want to have good vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses, but are unsure about lasik, there is another alternative - you can wear contacts only at night and see well all the next day. Find out about the pros and cons of this solution and decide if it could work for you.
How does it work?
The method we are talking about is called orthokeratology, which means that contact lenses are used to reshape your cornea, while you sleep, so you can see well during the following day.
Shortsightedness is caused when the light coming into your eye doesn't focus properly on the retina, because your cornea is not quite the right shape. Normally the problem is corrected with glasses or daily wear contact lenses. However, the same result can be achieved by reshaping your cornea either permanently, with lasik surgery, or temporarily with cornea reshaping contact lenses.
Orthokeratology lenses only give a temporarily effect - about 18-20 hours. So to see well every day you have to wear them every night. It usually takes about 2 weeks for your vision to improve, after you start wearing cornea reshaping contact lenses,.
Could orthokeratology work for you?
It is important to understand that not all vision problems can be corrected by cornea reshaping lenses. It only works for myopia (shortsightedness) for up to -6 and astigmatism for up to -1.75. If your prescription is higher, cornea reshaping lenses won