Collective of Concepts to Better Understand your Public Admi

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By S. Maurer

Imagine an e-Government future in which citizens can log onto one Internet site, easily find the government services they are looking for, and use that site to conduct an online transaction.

What are the future e-Government trends? Pointing to the future, one key point came out of the lively discussion from the floor. Not enough is being done at the moment to bridge the divide between the local politicians and chief officers who have to drive e-Government policy and practice, and the IT practitioners who understand the more technical aspects.

Citizens need to be encouraged to use e-Government services, whilst at the same time understanding that electronic services will not replace other trusted channels of delivery such as face-to-face contact.

e-Government opens up many possibilities for innovating and improving government services. Many governments are working toward providing citizens with access to information and services 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the convenience of their home or office PC.

To develop an understanding of the role of e-Government and e-Governance in today's society and in public organizations, with an emphasis on the effective management of information and its flow.

e-Government impacts the way we interact with government agencies at all levels, whether that interaction takes place through telephone, fax, e-mail, a Web site, or directly into a data base.

About the Author

S. Maurer is a 53-years old college graduated IT professional, with 30 years of experience in the computer & technology fields. Now is the Academic Director of and .