An abnormal amount of fluid under the skin as known as an oedema, this is commonly known as fluid retention and normally leads to a puffiness appearance normally in a limb typically the legs. If fluid retention persists or is recurrent, it is best to consult a doctor, this is because fluid retention can be cause by many different health conditions, some serious such as congestive heart failure and preeclampsia. Treatment of fluid retention usually consists of the treatment of the underlining condition that is causing the fluid retention, whether that would be liver, heart, and kidney disease or poor nutrition.
The major change in diet to help with fluid retention is to cut out salt and consume a low salt diet. Increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruit, juices and salads which are high in potassium salts will help to flush out the excessive sodium salt from the body. Exercise, losing weight, keeping the affected limb elevated and not sitting or standing in one position for a long time will all help with relieving fluid retention.
Dandelion is a good natural diuretic and can be taken as a supplement to get rid of excess fluid from the body; it is not to be taken if other medications are being taken at the same time.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Fluid Retention.
Corn silk
Dandelion Flavonoids (courmarin, hydroxyethylrutosides, quercetin, diosmin and hesperidin combination)
Horse chestnut
For PMS fluid retention:
Vitamin B6
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life