Now, for a very long time I have been trying to find a solution that could earn me extra money. It needed fit in with my work and social commitments, be simple, easy and above all take up minimal amounts of time. Why, well because I want to pay off my mortgage and have a bit more cash every month, just like you probably do! I considered taking on a second job, starting my own IT business or playing with stocks and shares. All of these would take up just too much time, something I wasn't willing to give up. During a project at my work I met with a very successful internet entrepreneur, he was brought in to improve the performance of our website something he done with particular effectiveness. Naturally he was unwilling to share his expertise with the business or myself claiming that he would be giving us his niche product and adding to his competition. He completely transformed the profitability of our site almost overnight and this got me thinking.
Internet marketing suited me perfectly, I could do it at any time, almost anywhere and could spend as little or as long as I wanted at any particular time, ultimate flexibility. This was ideal but I didn't know the first thing about internet marketing. I began researching the internet extensively, a skill I had mastered expertly from my many years sourcing solutions to IT problems. I found very quickly that there were hundreds of people claming to be selling the best money making strategies ever conceived. I bought many of them and found out that the only person making money was the con artist selling the so called moneymaking guides. I spent the equivalent of over $4000 trying to find a strategy that worked. I knew that it was possible as my acquaintance applied the elusive strategies to our website and turned it into a money making dynamo. Here are the findings from my expensive research. 98% of all the strategies were not strategies at all just scams to part you with your cash
83% contained only information that you could get for free elsewhere
79% had further 'hidden' charges you needed to pay to get set up
93% had outdated information
95% had broken links to the important pages being discussed
90% Did not respond to e-mails asking for help
81% Did not offer a money back guarentee, those that did rarely honoured it
These statistics are disgusting, unfortunately there are no governing bodys to prevent you getting scammed so its down to people like me who have suffered at the hands of the dubious traders to voice their opinions. By all means try as many of the programs as you can afford but I have found two programs that absolutely work, I make money from them every day, and the great thing about them is that no prior knowledge is needed.
After finally finding and downloading this marketing strategy I was speechless at the simplicity of it and immediately started putting the ideas into action. Within a few days the money started trickling in
Check out the full review here.