Just about every person thinks of starting their own business at some point in time. The appeal is obvious. Owing your own business puts you in complete control of your career aspect of your life. But, owing your own business is not for everyone. In fact, it can be a recipe for disaster so here are three quick questions you need to ask yourself before you take the next step and start your own business.
Are you willing to work more than you have every worked before, and, at least initially, for less money?
This is the hardest part of owing your business. You are the sole person responsible for generating your own income. The good news is that the sky is the limit if you work hard enough and long enough. The bad news is the first few years usually tend to be lean and this is a time when many businesses fail. It becomes challenging when you soon find yourself working more hours than you have ever worked before and are not making as much money as you used to make. Use this pressure to your advantage and let it motivate you to take your business to the next level. It