Invisible Slavery System - II

Invisible puzzles are mechanisms hidden inside products and services you use, and the social/political systems you interact with. They are invisible due to the use of manufactured perception and deniability-tactics. These puzzles are designed to harness everyone's efforts to silently maintain and operate an Invisible Slavery System...

Many people have been taught that what is legal is right, and what is not legal is wrong. As if this were an absolute base line for right and wrong. Some will even tie this into their religious convictions, so that it cannot be questioned at all. And some will come up with a "right and wrong" from a specific mix of the two. This is all a matter of brainwashing. As soon as you state something is right or wrong, without thinking it through for yourself from an unbiased perspective, then you are demonstrating how your mind is being controlled.

Many laws in the US had nothing to do with public opinion, and nothing to do with the congressman you voted into office. Many US laws are written in silently and quickly, with as little media coverage as possible. These laws are not "right" by anyone's definition except for those who want to control you. This does not mean all the other laws are ok. They were voted in by people whose perspectives were manufactured for them through mind control.

If you allow a bias of what makes something right or wrong cause you to feel that these laws are right without you yourself figuring out the details, then you are doing yourself and the rest of the world a big disservice. This is the center of the whole problem. Most of the support to the ISS comes from ordinary people who think with these preprogrammed (biased) perspectives. Democracy is designed so that these people - through taxes and voting - support the