Politicians need reality check

Let's have some new rules for voting, holding public office.

Oppression rings a bell when hardworking taxpayers think of the Democrats on
Guilford Board of Commissioners.
After pointing out errors and flaws in the 2004 budget you'd think this
bunch would have paid attention or at least waited to pass the 2005 budget.
No, Bruce Davis and his sidekicks were gung-ho to pass it without even
looking into drastic cuts which were noted by several! He's too busy to get
to Hawaii and spend more taxpayers monies.

Skip Alston's comment, "I want the one million dollars for the civil rights
museum, because I'm giving the school system what it wants" is an
abomination to say the least. Nothing is for the benefit of our community,
it's for Alston, his ventures, Drug Free, that's me, Greensboro Neighborhood
Housing Assistance, Sit-in Movement and others like this. If you don't
believe it, take a look at St. James, Project Homestead and several other
projects. These boars have been milked too long. It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to know that old cellars are underground and will always have
moisture! This is another endless money pit.

February One at A&T State University is a monument in good taste. Both
Democrat and Republican taxpayers are proud of it. Taxpayers further feel
that, with all the historical museum areas in the county and state, another
site is not needed.
We need a couple of new laws setting standards for voting privileges and
holding public office:

1) No one should be allowed to vote that doesn't work, lives on welfare.

2) Public office can be held only by people who work or have worked for an
independent company and cannot hold public office if the company they work
for or affiliated with uses, in any form, taxpayers' monies to support
themselves and the business.

Time for Taxpayers, in all States, to step up, write and call your local, state, and federal elected officials and let them know how dissatisfied you and your families are and what has to be done to protect your jobs for your future. You can bet your last dollar politicians are only looking after their best interests and their future. It'll take every Taxpayer stepping up to be heard that "we're not going to take it anymore!" IT'S YOUR FUTURE!

About the Author

Artist, Activist, and Environmentalist. Author of several published articles.