Deal with Small Habits That A Depressed Person Develops

While your significant other is getting himself or herself better, they might start doing different things, small things that you might find annoying. Twirling pencils, specific television shows, small habits may start taking over their lives in a minor way. While these habits may not be big, they can become annoying. Sometimes these habits will be auditory, involving a pen clicking or other potential annoyance.

How you deal with these habits can set the tone for your relationship. There is no set way that will be beneficial either. You can encourage the habits, with the understanding that they are preventing a larger problem from developing or you can discourage them, trying to instead encourage your significant other to deal with the larger problem. There is no set way to deal with it, and instead, you need to choose which result you are looking for at the moment.

If the habit is relatively benign, then you might be okay in encouraging it. However, remember that habits, the longer they last, become harder and harder to break. By encouraging it today, you may find that you are stuck with it. The flip-side, on the other hand, ends up with your boyfriend or girlfriend being subject to other nervous habits if you try to put a stop to this one. A fidget could be covering up nervousness in front of other people, or an inability to sit still. Choosing which habit to encourage and which to discourage can be tricky. The best way to decide is to sit down with your significant other and ask them why they have started this new habit. After hearing what they say, decide if you can live with the results of them discontinuing it. But whatever you decide, you are going to need to accept for a while.

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