Computers According to Carol - Part 2

Note: Use these definitions at your own risk! For the correct meanings, check the end of this article (see how many you know).

A is for Accessories: purse, shoes, jewelry.
B is for Backspace Key: term describing the importance of reducing clutter.
C is for Crash: what happens when you drive too fast.
D is for Default: It's always default of the other driver.
E is for Enter Key: used at front doors of fancy buildings.
F is for Field: a place to play ball.
G is for Grammar Checker: someone who looks in on your grandmother.
H is for Hacker: someone with a nagging cough.
I is for Icon: a self-important crook.
J is for Jewel Box: a place to keep jewelry.
K is for Kilobyte: A lion has a kilobyte.
L is for Landscape: scenery in a painting.
M is for Minimize and Maximize: hem length fashions.
N is for Netiquette: a small net.
O is for Operating System: the procedure for surgery.
P is for Paste: a mixture of flour and water.
Q is for Query: a term for unusual behavior.
R is for Record: a round vinyl disc still used to play music.
S is for Save: an action that is supposed to be used with money, but seldom is.
T is for Table: a place to eat meals after the junk is removed.
U is for Undo: a hairstyle popular in the 70's.
V is for Version Number: refers to conflicting statements.
W is for Word Wrap: a lawyer's closing remarks.
X is for X-Rated: not for children.
Y is for Why: A child's favourite question.
Z is for Zoom: the noise cars make on the highway.

Carol Bremner is a computer loving member of the gray generation. Her websites, and promote computer literacy in the home for the over 50 crowd.