The Commander in Chief's Bold Surprise Iraq Visit: Happy Tha

President Bush stunned his critics, the troops and indeed the world, when he flew into Baghdad International Airport on Thanksgiving Day. The President, who was visibly emotional, received a standing ovation from the troops, who were obviously estatic by the surprise visit. What a great morale booster for the troops, and indeed, America.

This, my friends, is the mark of a true leader ! A man who has compassion about his convictions, a man who when speaking to Troops wherever he goes is truly emotional, because he means what he says and shows it. The President cares about and supports the United States military and they love and support him as well.

The liberals can't stand this. The main stream news media is already whining and sniveling that they were lied to (boy what a change, it's usually the other way around) and mislead, this will lead to a precedent, etc.,etc., blah,blah,blah.

The troops all across Iraq could not have been happier. The comments of the troops showed their admiration for the President. "That is absolutely awesome", "I think that shows real personal courage", "This is definitely a good move for morale", " It makes us feel better that our leader is actually here with us on a holiday", " I think this is a great move", " It sends a strong message from the commander in chief that we're focused on winning ", "It's a real morale booster", It's a total morale booster", "I didn't get to see him but what matters is that he cares enough to come and visit".

Imagine that. Do you think you would have heard those comments about Clinton. Senator Hillary Clinton was visiting the troops in Afghanistan where they seemed much more impressed with the holiday meal than with her.

Thank You Mr. President for taking time with our troops during a very important American holiday, one that was established to celebrate and remember our blessings. Let us never forget that Americans fought and died to preserve that freedom. Let us never forget that freedom is not FREE, and let us never forget that the enemies of the United States of America will not stop in their relentless pursuit of the destruction of those freedoms unless we are a strong and committed nation. Committed to the safety and security of our nation and her allies, committed to the causes and supporters of freedom.

I thank god for the leadership and wisdom of our Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush, a true compassionate leader, guided by christian principles, moral values and integrity. Our nation is much better off, for this reason.

About the Author

J.R. is the host of Talk Show America, a conservative talk show that can be heard Mon-Fri 4-6 PM EST Live on the IBC Radio Network or 24/7 on The TALK SHOW AMERICA Show or go to Political News &