The wedding service has a specific order according to the Church of England. There is the processional, the positions at the altar and the seating of the family and guests, followed by the recessional. Unless family tradition and customs states otherwise, this is the most popular of wedding services to follow.
In the wedding service processional, the groom stands at the front of the church, with his best man to his left. The priest leads the party, followed by the bride's father and the bride to her father's right. Directly behind the bride and father is the maid or matron of honour, followed by any bridesmaids henceforth.
The priest takes his place in front of the altar. Facing the priest is the Bride's father who stands beside the bride. The maid or matron of honour stands behind the father and bride. To the right of the bride is the groom, and his best man to the right of him.
Seating plan of guests:
Bride's mother
Groom's mother and father
Bride's Grandparents
Groom's Grandparents
Bride's relatives
Groom's relatives
Bride's special guests
Groom's special guests
Bride's friends
Groom's friends
The recessional occurs when the wedding party leaves the church. The order in which they leave is as follows: The groom and bride walk down the aisle first, followed by the best man on the left and the maid or matron of honour beside him. Than follows the usher or other groomsman, on the left with the other bridesmaid beside him. Lastly, follows the bride's father on the left with the groom's mother beside him.
Ken and Deidre Bissonette are successful authors and publishers for weddings and gifts.