The Home poker game scene is one of the fastest growing leisure activities around just now. With the explosion of TV poker there is an enormous interest in the game and of course people want to try it for themselves.
One way to play of course is on the internet in the online poker tournaments, but if you'd rather experience the real thing, setting up a poker game at home is the ideal choice for most people. So what do you need to get started playing your home poker games?
Firstly of course, you'll need some friends! One of the greatest things about poker is of course the flexibility of the game and the fact that it can be played by any number of players. Around six to eight is probably best for an average home poker game.
Almost as important as having friends however is to make sure that what you are doing is legal. In some parts of the world gambling is illegal, even if you are doing it in the privacy of your own home so check it out before you start.
You'll need to decide what game you are playing and for this I would look no further that Texas Holdem as it is the easiest game to learn and of course most people know how to play it as it has become the standard game for TV poker.
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