Article Writing & Marketing: How to Write More Than One Article at a Time

Picture with me, if you will, the following scene:

You are sitting down at your computer to write another article. You have got your notes next to you, or an outline in your head, or some ideal of how this next article is going to go.

Whatever your starting style, you have some idea about how this article is going to turn out. Yet as you get into writing, different ideas pop into your head. You could take the article this way, that way, or several other ways.

But since you sat down to write an article, you stay close to the direction you had in mind, telling yourself that you will remember these other ideas later.

Yeah, right.

Don't do that anymore!

Instead of losing all those ideas about different directions your article could take, write them down! Keep a note pad handy, or a file on your computer to quickly type your article ideas.

When you do this, you accomplish a few useful things:

1. You do not lose all your good ideas.

2. You save yourself a whole bunch of frustration called "What was that great idea I had?"

3. You are able to concentrate much better on the article at hand because you don't have to have part of your mind focused on remembering all those good ideas. They are safely tucked away in your idea file.

4. You have begun several new articles and do not have to search around for ideas.

Jeff Herring - EzineArticles Expert Author

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