Life is Nothing Without Persecutions

Life is not always a bed of roses,so it's no coincidence when u meet with misfortunes or even disasters.They are meant to happen to anyone if not everyone,but it is meant to put the person on the path of greatness and not destruction.Some people are not willing to face trials,they just want to get to the top witout being confronted.Although people say life is unfair,but if you do everything you're expected to do;in a right way;you will see that there's nothing unfair about life.

As you pass through life,there is no how you wont meet with obstacles,but while ignorant people grumble and mourn about the situation,determined and wise people use the obstacles as stepping stones to their success and greatness.

Life is not all about winning,you can't win all the time but you can really bring out the best in you.There are points in life when you feel like a complete failure,never let it weigh you down,get up and do what you have to do,just to achieve that goal.In this game called life,caring about what people think,feel or say about you can really deter your dreams if you are on the right path.It is normal for people to dislike you,it is not possible for everyone to love you,but if you do worry about it,then you will only be making the matter worse.You dont fail over night,instead,failure is a few errors in judgement repeated everyday.You may have failed many times,but you are not a failure until you accept defeat and begin to blame someone else for your predicament.Those who don't like you,no matter what they do,let them know that they can't stop you.

Life is full of surprises,both good and bad,so,whatever you do,you need courage to take everything that comes.Whatever course you decide upon,there's always someone to tell you that you are wrong.There are always difficulties arising,and they sometimes tempt you to believe that critics are right.You cannot become enormously successful without encountering and overcoming a number of extremely challenging problems.One of the greatest discoveries a man makes,which turns out to be a great surprise,is to find that he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do.

All that matters in life is how you feel about yourself.Remember that only through experience of trials and suffering can the soul be strenghtened,vision cleared,ambition inspired and success achieved.Leaving old pains behind is the key to a new life,if you don't release it,it won't let you continue with your life.Just try it and see how you feel.Everything is ok in the end.If it is not ok,then it is not the end.

Francis is a very inspiring person,he tries his best to help youths who are tired about the failures they meet in life and he inspires them to move higher to achieve their goals