Finding Fabric Treasure

My mother came of age during the Great Depression, and learned to quilt of necessity, using scraps of fabric from home sewn clothing. They weren't always crazy quilts; most of them had some pattern and design, but the fine-tuned color schemes that are possible with today's range of available fabrics weren't happening for her back then.

When she married a prosperous farmer, and had her own family, she continued to enjoy quilting, but now she also had better fabric options, and could make even more beautiful quilts.

There was one fabric store in particular that she found in a town more than an hour's drive away - and this was back in the days when people thought twice before driving that far. But going to this quirky fabric store was well worth the trip.

I have vivid memories of going to visit The Featherman's store. I don't know why we called him by that name, because his was purely a fabric store, with every kind available in the world it seemed to me as a child. The really good stuff was in the main room showcased on rolls, not bolts. In another part of his labyrinthine shop were tables and tables of remnants - velvet, brocade, silk, chiffon, heavyweight cotton and corduroy - he had it all.

This shop was filled with unique fabrics, and it often comes to mind as I wander the aisle of another of the fabric super-stores wondering where has all the quality and variety gone?

Fabulous fabric treasures can be hard to find. Whether you're making clothes or gifts or quilts, the perfect fabric isn't always available in your local fabric store. As the years have passed, it seems that quality fabric in unique and beautiful colors and patterns is becoming harder and harder to find. However, we now have options to find the fabric we need at prices we can afford. Expand your horizons to the new world of selecting fabric online!

From vintage to the newest designs, a variety of patterns, colors, and textures, can be easily discovered online. For you vintage lovers, this can be the only avenue for finding amazing, high-quality vintage fabric.

In addition, patterns and ready-made projects with the fabric already cut can be found in many online stores. Handmade clothing can be a great way to save money and create your own originals. Handmade clothes can serve as beautiful gifts year round; they make people feel special and beautiful due to the unique patterns and styles.

Arts and crafts type gifts are becoming more and more popular. Major stores can charge up to twenty dollars for a tiny decoration that you know you could make for much less. Online stores often have fabric cut for patterns to make these little holiday gifts that you can order for reasonable prices, or if you would prefer to make your own just order the fabric and create your own specialty patterns.

Several wonderful on-line quilt shops have also appeared on the scene to meet all our quilting needs.

Whatever fabric you're seeking, whether for clothes, gifts, or quilts, take advantage of our technology-driven world to find amazing fabric at reasonable prices online. It can save you a lot of leg-work, but there is one downside. You can't touch the fabric and feel its weight and texture, see how it drapes, and all of those little rituals around fabric selection.

However, the sites with well-written descriptions and good pictures make the trade-off worth it in allowing you access to an unlimited range of choices. Head to your favorite search engine, type in "fabric," and you'll find you literally have millions of possibilities.

Janet Montie, quilter and author, contributes to First Class Fabric, offering free information and resources for crafts, quilting, and sewing. Articles by Dana can also be viewed at Quilt Box and FYI Craft.