Cleansers Effect On Your Skin

If you thought cleansers just removed skin oil and daily grime from your skin, think again. The cleansers have come a long way from just cleaning to giving you a moisturized and mild looking skin. The cleansers do affect your skin cells in many ways than one. They must protect your skin cell proteins and lipids. Quickly, lipids are compounds of fats and they are not water soluble but soluble in alcohol and fat solvents. They are important constituents of your living skin cells.

The cleansers affect the skin cells positively providing humectants that minimize damaging interactions between surfactants (surface acting substances), skin proteins and lipids thereby minimizing damage to your skin. At the same time the vitamin content (A, C and E) of the cleanser revitalizes the skin cells and exfoliate the dead skin cells.

Always choose your cleanser carefully going by the nature of your skin, the ingredients and their suitability to your skin. Because you need cleansers to have a positive effect on your skin. The cleansers have a wide range of ingredients like Tea tree oil (about 10%), salicylic acid etc. meant for all types and purposes.

Tightening or stiffening is another undesirable feeling or effect that is left over by some cleansers on skin cells. Today specialty cleansers for sensitive and soap restricted skin types are available in the market. These cleansers sooth, soften and moisturize your skin leaving you with a healthy and beautiful feeling.

Removing the dead skin cells (exfoliation) helps give your skin a fresh and younger look. Exfoliation can be done every day for oily skins. You can use a cleanser with Glycol 10 percent.

The crux of the matter is, the effect of cleansers on skin cells is the result of what you can choose today given the wide range of cleansers available for as many skin and need types.

The author Rajagopal has been writing on technical matters and in this avtar he gave up tags that confine to particular genre of writing. Rajagopal is a mechanical engineer and served the pharmaceutical industry. Of late he has been putting his efforts in to creative art and healthcare writing. He can be contacted at He is also writing at: and