Top Ten Writing Tips To Help You To Write More

Here in no particular order, are the ten best writing tips I've discovered in 25 years of writing. They may work for you, too. Try them.

=> Tip One: Pay attention to images

Your right brain thinks in images, and when you write, you translate images from your right brain into words. Usually this process happens so quickly that you're unaware of it. If you can make this process conscious, you can goose up your own creativity. Stephen King calls this process "writing with the third eye --- the eye of imagination and memory."

To get the hang of this, try Jean Houston's process, adapted from her book, *The Possible Human*. (URL above.)

=> Tip Two: Making mud/ laying track

Your first draft of any piece of work is "mud" --- raw material. Julia Cameron refers to your first draft as "laying track", another term I like.

If the first draft's awful, great! It's meant to be. It's only raw material. However, if you don