Five Easy Ways To Boost Your Productivity Fast - For Writers And Others

Commit to following these five strategies for a month, and you'll be more productive --- that's a promise.

Note: although my strategies are geared to writers, they will work for you no matter what your work happens to be.

=> One: Think --- "Do It Now!" and write one sentence

This means, that as soon as you turn your computer on, you write one sentence on your current project.

After you've written one sentence, you can read your email, play Minesweeper, have a cup of coffee, or do whatever you like.

Writing one sentence first has an amazing effect. It alerts your mind to what you want it to do. You've broken through the initial inertia. You may not get back to work immediately, but you will get back to work, and you'll do it with minimal pressure.

As you're reading your email, you'll think of another sentence, and another one, and before you know it you'll be working happily on your project.

If you're not a writer, then adapt "Do It Now" to your own circumstances. You might call one client, or write a line in your next report, or find a graphic for your new presentation.

=> Two: Never Assume: create a strategy and follow it

Never assume. Always get evidence. Evidence takes time and action to acquire.

We all make assumptions. If a strategy doesn