Is A Fractional T1 The Better Choice For Your Business?

In your search for just the right bandwidth for your business application(s) there will be much to consider. Budget and reliability being the two primary decision factors. With these in mind you need to consider a fractional t1 line. Why not get all the advantages of T1 even if you are not able to pay for a full T1?

For many people the biggest factors in their decision is reliability and if reliability is critical to the applications you run over your connection you should seriously consider replacing your DSL connection with a fractional T1. DSL is a quick and cost effective method of acquiring high speed bandwidth however it is not intended to support commercial applications or large numbers of users as are T1 connections.

One drawback to fractional T1 service is the price. Even though you won't have a full T1 you will be paying quite a bit more than you did for your DSL connection. This is due to the structure of T1 pricing. A T1 connection is established by providing a "loop" or wire from the user