Your credit score is a universal indication, used by the credit industry as a whole, as an indication of your credit worthiness and will affect what credit and applications of credit you may be allowed in the future. So before filling in any credit card applications first of all see what credit card offers are available and look not only at immediate benefits but how much interest you may be paying over the year on your outstanding credit balance.
Its interesting to note that some companies offer a differential rate of interest on new card purchases as opposed to credit card balance transfers, like wise different companies may charge you different interest rates for withdrawing cash from a credit card as opposed to using the credit card as a means of product purchasing. With special interest introductory rates it is also of vital importance to look at what rate you will be required to pay after the initial reduced rate expires and your card reverts to the normal annual percentage rate, or APR.
Where credit card companies do look at making money is with late payment fees and with this in mind I would always suggest setting up a direct payment to the credit card company for the minimum monthly payment, remember you always have the option to make additional payments in order to reduce your monthly interest charge.
Credit is an important factor in today's lifestyle for so many people so by choosing wisely in the first place and administering the balance on a weekly basis will pay dividends and will in fact allow you to use the credit facility to your benefit and not be a monthly nightmare.
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Copywrite 2005 Terry Till