What is The Greatest Secret for Success in the World

What is the greatest secret in the world for success?

It's having a VISION.

Not just any kind of VISION, but the grandest vision of who you can be in this lifetime.

What do you aspire to be? A good husband, or a world changer, a good employee that works hard or the owner of a global franchise that changes how we view your industry by the values you exhibit and honour from your own life?

These are the attributes that set you apart. These are the questions that govern what difference you will make to your friends, family and strangers lives.

We're all born with nothing, we leave this world with nothing, but what are you going to leave for the world, that's the question I ask you.

Society doesn't teach us to have a vision. We get labelled as being a dreamer just thinking about it. We're not allowed to. It's up to you if you want to live a great life. No one will force you to be more than mediocre.

When we start to see our vision and share it with others, they tell us to stop dreaming and get back to work.

So why can't we dream? Why can't we have a grand vision of who we can aspire to be?

No one is stopping you, except yourself. But you have to stop caring about those people who mean well. You have to conceive, then believe, so you can then achieve.

The road to success is a lonely one at first, until you find other dreamers, then they will inspire you to go faster, with more confidence, but it takes you to begin this lonely journey.

If you can't dream and imagine yourself being grand, work on your self worth, or self esteem. This is the only thing that can prevent you having a grand vision.

The future for most people is a tiny speck on the horizon, so why would you bother looking at it? This is why they get caught up in drama and depression. Do you know what depression really is? It's a person who feels the future won't get any better. And what does that mean? It means they have no VISION!

When your future becomes a panoramic landscape with color, with pictures, with objects, with people, hundreds of people, then your life in the future is one you will want to look at and imagine yourself being there.

You can't push anyone to do anything, but if you help them to get a vision of themselves that's better than where they are now, they will change to move in that direction so fast you'll wonder what happened. This is important if you're a leader of people.

A strong vision pulls people in the direction. Pulling people is 10 times easier than pushing them.

When you define your vision, ask who you need to help you to achieve it. Every person who achieved great things, in business, life or politics, had a fantastic support person or people. Who will yours be? Who believes in you, more than you do yourself? There are many people who do, find one, ask for their help, pay them if you need to as they are giving you the greatest gift there is in life.

Who do you want on your journey towards fulfilling your vision? What vision can you have for those around you? If your vision is about you only, you won't achieve it. It has to be about working with other people, or they will envy your success and pull you back.

So where will you be in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and even 5 years? What's the grandest vision of who you can be? What difference do you want to make to your life and those you have around you? Your children, wife/husband wants you to be the best you can be. But what is that best of you?

What habits will you lose and what ones will you develop?

What emotions will you remove and what others will you embrace?

What goals will you conquer? What dreams will you achieve?

What home will you live in, what car will you drive?

How many people will you affect, encourage and inspire?

You're a child of this planet. No one will ask you to have a grand vision, but I ask you now to have one. Define it. Live it. Be it. Share it. Embrace it. Believe in yourself and anything is possible. I believe in you, the question is