What Does a Yellow Light Mean

One of my all time favorite sitcoms was "Taxi" and one of the funniest skits I remember is when Jim Ignatosky went to get his driver's license renewed. If you remember Jim was the taxi driver with the hashish-fried brain. While taking the written portion of his test he became perplexed with the question, "What does a yellow light mean?" He turns to fellow cabbie Bobby Wheeler and whispers, "what does a yellow light mean?" Bobby whispers back, "Slow Down" and Jim in his infinite wisdom whispers back only much slower, "What does a yellow light mean?" Bobby, in frustration whispers back, "Slow Down!" Jim once again only much slower whispers, "What does a yellow light mean?" I believe you get the point. Hopefully you can see that depending on who you are or how you observe a circumstance or event a different set of interpretations can be derived from it.

Yellow lights can also be a metaphor for our lives. Interestingly, when we approach an intersection while driving our car and the light is green we, as would be expected, continue to move through the intersection. The transparency of our thoughts and actions continue unnoticed, our reflective awareness is elsewhere. In other words we don