What do You Want to Accomplish in 2006?

Around this time of the year I love to ask people what their New Years resolutions are. Usually, the response I receive is that resolutions do not work so there's no point in making them.

There is a reason why New Years resolutions rarely work. Call it a matter of linguistics. Notice, people want the resolution to work. For a resolution to become a reality, it is the person who must work, not the resolution.

Stating your resolution is just the starting point. Like any goal, the path to success is to define or visualize it, plan it and act on it. Defining the goal is part of the commitment to the goal. It is amazing how many people never take the time to write down exactly what it is they want in life. Remember, you can't hit a target if you don't have one. Studies have shown that people that have goals and write down these goals are high achievers.

Important goals are often overwhelming. It is immensely helpful when you break down your goal into definite pieces or steps with appropriate time frames and an articulation of resources needed. Call them mini-goals or action plans. Each time you accomplish a mini-goal, you are that much closer to the whole goal. Remember, each small success builds your confidence and your skill set for achieving the greater goal.

"The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable.Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them. " Denis Watley