Womens Designer Shoes - A Fashion Statement

We place quite a bit of importance on our shoes these days. At one time in the long ago past, shoes were meant to protect our feet. Today, they are made to make a statement! Our shoes are a big part of our wardrobe. They can make or break an outfit, and womens designer shoes are all the rage. Womens designer shoes, however, are quite expensive! Are they worth it?

For most women, the answer to that question comes in three forms - yes, no, or sometimes. Now, keeping in mind that these designer shoes can cost hundreds, and sometimes thousands of dollars, the way a woman answers that question says quite a bit about her. If she says yes, that designer shoes are worth every penny, then this means that style and fashion are high on her list of priorities.

If she says sometimes, it means that in most cases, they are not worth it, but for special occasions